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Interested in becoming a member?


If you are 14-17 and intrested in becoming part of our group. Then simply fill in the application below and either send it in or bring it with you on a Thursday night meeting which we held every Thursday (Except Holidays) between 7pm-10pm.








Interested in becoming part of the voluntary team?


If you are interested in becoming part of the team. Then simply fill in the correct form below and send it back to us. We will then follow this up with a police check (VETTING FORM).

Assistant Leader 18-20yrs

Leaders 21+yrs













Local cross-community youth group R.E.A.C.H Across are currently recruiting 150 young people (14 – 17yrs old), from throughout the W.E.L.B area, for 5 residential activity weekends during March and April. The 2015 residentials will take place in Tobermore and Portrush and activities will include outdoor laser quest, ice-skating and adventure courses. The cost for a residential is £30 and this covers accommodation, food, activities and transport.


After the residential weekends, members can take part in a range of activities, such as guitar skills, drama and dance, DJ skills, basic first aid, canoeing, catering skills etc. The project also offers day trips to M & D’s theme park in Scotland and educational trips to Crumlin Road Gaol, Stormont and Kilmainham Gaol.


In the Summer, R.E.A.C.H Across hope to organise international youth projects with groups of young people from Czech Republic, Italy and Cyprus. There will also be 2 outdoor activity camps and a Summer Schemes.


Training courses planned for 2015 include Virtual Parenting, CV & Interview Skills, COOK IT, Internet Safety, Drugs & Alcohol Awareness, Emergency Life Skills etc. Activities will include bodyzorbing, landrover driving, banana boat, white water tubing, indoor caving and snowboarding.


Members can also attend weekly group meetings, some of which will be held in Strabane, Omagh and Enniskillen and join our Youth Committee, which plans new activities and helps with fundraising.


The principal aim of the residentials will be to allow young people from a wide area to make new friends and to provide opportunities to gain new social skills and qualifications. Many lifelong friendships have been established through REACH Across and we would welcome applications from throughout the North-West region.




REACH Across are also offering Volunteer Training for anyone who wishes to assist with or supervise our contact residentials or general youth activities. The training day, which is free, will be staged at the Holywell Building, Bishop Street, L’Derry on Sat 31st January from 10.30am – 5pm.


Volunteer Leaders must be 21yrs old by February 28th 2015 and Volunteer Assistant Leaders must be 18yrs old by 28th February 2015. Young people who are 18yrs old can become Assistant Leaders with REACH Across, which allows them to support our Leaders on residentials, group activities and international projects.






Applications are welcome from young people who were not previously involved with R.E.A.C.H Across, as well as former members.




For further information or an application form to become Member, Assistant Leader or Leader, please contact R.E.A.C.H Across by telephone ( 028 71 280048 ) or e-mail:


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